by Alessandro Bianchi
To be beautiful is beautiful, and even so much, it has sinuous shapes, has charm and is also sexy, allow me to ……. but then ??? It is the prejudice that is often given to those women who have sensual forms and provocative beauty must necessarily be classified as stupid and voted only to certain pleasures, but we know well that it is a false prejudice, an axiom that is often not matched by making us fall foul, and since women and motors have a lot in common, the theorem is exactly replicable on motorcycles , corroborated by a proverb that warns us by reciting : ” appearance deceives !!! “.
So, a vehicle with 214 hp finds its place even outside the circuits and especially, it makes sense if used only on the road ??? Well, you will take the answer on the basis of what I will !!!
I would like to start by just talking about driving sensations, leaving out the slew of asept technical data that are easily found everywhere.
Panigale V4 S mod. 2019
Getting in the saddle for the first time, and leaving the dealership, I notice a very natural position, where triangulation with platforms is not extreme, the semimanubri are very open, leaving the arms free to move, thus easily changing position. I am not too charged forward and I notice that I can also have a fairly upright posture that gives me a wide and unided view, with enough space to move freely, thus drawing the conclusion that to be a sportswoman is comfortable; the instrumentation is really spatial, there is nothing missing, that is, thinking again maybe yes, with all that well of God of data and information, they have not put an indicator of gasoline and even greater flaw, it lacks a cruise control, and already, I consider this tool perhaps even more useful precisely on a sports car, because in the travels and in the short or long stretches of motorway that are , the possibility of relaxing the right arm and taking a different position, would be of great help for the purposes of comfort and therefore also of staying in the saddle. I would also point out that the antagonists of the same segment, I am referring to Aprilia RSV4 and the TEUTONIC BMW S 1000 RR, mount it and the latter is proposed on request, even with heated knobs, in my opinion very useful, especially if you use the bike all year round. But you can’t have it all!!
Panigale V4 in the city
So let’s start with the city, do not ask me if it heats up, since the answer is obvious, a 214 hp engine, in addition catalyzed euro 4, it is evident that it heats up, but nothing impossible, let’s say that it is comparable to sister Panigale 1299, however when you stop in traffic at a minimum, the rear cylinder bank goes out thus limiting the problem.
The city is obviously not its natural habitat, but I admit that it does not behave very badly, it is very agile and light and this gives it excellent maneuverability. From stops the corner of strerzo is as in all sports almost zero. In departures you have to take a little hand, cause a very long first, which requires a hair of play and dexterity with the clutch lever. Here, at this point I think I have listed its negative points, obviously found in purely road use !!
So let’s leave the city and get down to business!! The strong notes of this vehicle are undoubtedly motor and cycling, absolutely from another planet !!! The engine is something that, while describing it with the most passionate fervour, will never make the idea of what this vehicle is actually capable of transmitting, the sensations that are perceived at every acceleration, even without exaggeration, are similar to an aircraft during take-off. The performance is really embarrassing, and let me say that beyond a certain threshold it becomes a bad cat to peel, few riders can really exploit it by whipping it.
In fact, with the 2021 model, in addition to the stabilizing wings, a new electronics has been adopted, with different cycling altitudes, all aimed at softening and making the bike more usable in the circuits, but here we are talking about a context that goes beyond our road test. In fact, this monster, contrary to what it might seem, on the road turns out to be an extraordinarily versatile vehicle, able to take you for a walk quietly, with an engine that unlike the twin-cylinder is able to turn at very low speeds with an unexpected regularity, (to be understood of 6th gear at 70 Km/h the engine takes us for a walk without tearing or gasps), and then, reset to a quick nod, turn into the most deadly of attack weapons, devouring any type of path you wanted to take, from the narrow mixture to the fast mix.
Dynamic attitude and behaviour of the V4 S
Driving it you can immediately feel that the layout of this vehicle is particular, on the other hand the 200/60 inflatableboat that has been specially designed by Ducati and produced exclusively by Pirelli, and together with its cycling altitudes, make the bike very loaded on the front, although then, in the guide you do not feel it, always being very neutral and balanced. The front therefore works much more in support than you might imagine, showing it from the rapid greater consumption compared to the rear tire, especially when driven smoothly, using high gears, but with inputs and routes where it is required the ability to quickly close at important angles, the front is quickly devoured becoming the protagonist and architect of the effectiveness in the journey of the trajectory , all while always transmitting great safety to the rider.
What amazes, therefore, beyond all expectations is the infinite support and stability that it is able to guarantee, which combined with the great sense of security that infuses, allows you to dare until you find yourself almost with your elbow on the ground with great naturalness. Perhaps this is precisely the greatest advantage that I recognize, namely the ease of driving combined with safety, with a support capacity that allows important corners out of the ordinary. Despite all the handling of this vehicle is not very fast, as you might expect, but in sudden changes of direction you let yourself be slammed decisively without ever breaking down or showing the slightest uncertainty.
Engine and electronics
Ducati in innovative terms, is the company that most ventures, always proposing itself on the market with new revolutionary technical and engineering solutions, in this case with the V4, they have managed to create an engine that contextualizes and incorporates the skills and characteristics of two engines: the twin-cylinder and the multifractor, greatly raising the performance bar of the supersport, going to fill the gaps and gaps of the two engines. Finding himself the prerogative of a push to the bass from a twin-cylinder, with the progression and a multi-fracted extension …….. congratulations to Ducati, truly a great innovation !!!
In fact, on the road you appreciate a great fluidity of driving, which combined with an imposing torque ubiquitous to all regimes, allows, without raging on the knob, to zero any distance between curves, the thrust and vehemence with which this thruster expresses itself is really out of the ordinary, so much so that you have to repair your guide with new references , to avoid unpleasant straight, which initially can occur with great ease, precisely because this bike is immediately very easy, very easy, transmitting confidence, thus making us deceive. If the feeling is to walk with the engine spinning low, perhaps pitting the gears with the quick shifter, which also works excellently even at low speeds, it is always advisable to keep an eye on the speedometer, the speed will always be much higher than that perceived, thanks also to excellent aerodynamic protection, to be blunt, you go very strong without noticing, on the other hand 214 hp are certainly not abrupt , even wanting to make the engine walk!!
The gearbox is precise and fast and the quick shifter works excellently both up and down, so much so that you can forget the use of the clutch if not to leave, the only flaw I found is that every now and then in the changes 4/5 and 5/6 the bike “pulls back” and this is a problem that was also found on the sister 1299.
Driving it in the mix you can be sliding and fluid without the need to climb, thanks to the skills of this motorone that at any gear shoots you in and out of the curves without any effort, allowing you to grind hundreds of kilometers of steps in a day with fast rhythms without feeling tired. Electronics is another flagship of the
Panigale V4 S,
which completes with all the controls, offers the possibility to adjust and sew the bike according to your style and tastes. The traction control always works in an excellent way, it is never invasive and you can see its presence only from the flashes of the LEDs on the instrumentation.
In addition, the function of Slide Control, a device that allows you to control the drift of the rear, offers the possibility to give yourself a safe and fun ride even to finished tires, in fact depending on how you set it together with the DTC, you can drive by brushing the rear in total safety, prolonging the consumption of the rubber almost to the canvases, with a great sense of complacency and satisfaction , making me believe a great rider!
The tires are of particular note, in fact these guarantee a very high grip on every type of asphalt, even on the smoothest and worn ones, but what is fundamental in a road use, is the speed with which they enter the temperature, always guaranteeing a rubber well present even at the first corners, too bad that they are consumed only to look at them, in fact trying to make them last , you get up to 4000 km, but really strenuous and with the canvases discovered. The maps are Rain, Street, Sport and Race fully customizable. The Race map in my opinion has a very direct answer and too abrupt delivery, the suspension becomes considerably stiffer and also the front is aimed further offering too much race and little usable driving on the road.
Suspensions: The semi-active Ohlins, perform an essential function, and in my opinion now essential, continuously parametrating with the driving style, perfectly copying every slight roughness, thanks to the now known smoothness of these suspensions, thus allowing you to travel long distances without getting too tired.
The combination and balance that has been created between cycling and motor is at the highest level, and allows you to have in your hands a means capable of giving magnificent sensations without particular commitment, it knows how to be fluid, linear and not tiring offering a great smoothness, but at the same time it is able to show the other side of the coin becoming beyond certain levels very difficult and tiring , precisely because of the enormous exuberance of the engine, which incredible but true, arrived at the threshold of 10000 rpm, it transforms further showing an ability to stretch that embarrasses accompanied by a scream that reaches up to 14000, practically another engine. But that is what I strongly advise against tickling, since we would find ourselves in the hands of an absolutely unmanageable and impossible vehicle on the road.
The Panigale V4, in my opinion, is a beautiful bike that, when used in certain ways, offers the opportunity to fully enjoy its cycling and motor skills, always offering the rider a taste and beauty of unprecedented driving, with sensations that can hardly be found elsewhere. Able to travel long routes without tiring too much, it is perfectly identified even in a road use, thanks to its overall comfort given by a livable position and excellent aerodynamic protection, which greatly increases if you replace the original plexiglass, with a raised aftermarket. The brakes are obviously at the top of the category and what amazes is the extreme power of the front combined with a wonderful modulation of the lever that is managed with only two fingers. If you do not overdo it, driving it flush with gas, you reach 19 km/lt, considering that from the full to the reserve you travel about 200 km.
In conclusion: a super sporty with over-the-top performance, which, however, despite everything, manages to be absolutely enjoyable and usable on the road, also allowing long daily journeys without tiring, thanks to an engine that is well suited to always turn smooth and round at any speed. Cycling is the other fulcrum element that always transmits safety in every context, allows easy and intuitive riding …………….. as long as you don’t get in the way of wanting to turn the handcuff too !!!!! At this point, in response to the initial question, I ask another question which will determine the final judgment:
the performance that this spaceship is able to transmit in terms of driving beauty as well as aesthetics, and perceived sensations, are actually worth the price you pay at the expense of greater comfort and overall versatility ???? …………………. Answer : for me absolutely yes !!!!
Good way to all Biker’s !!!
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